
"The eyes of the mind,
whereby it sees and observes things, are none other than proofs."

Baruch Spinoza


I'm an Emeritus Professor  of Mathematics at Indiana University, Bloomington.  Here are links to my...


Scientific biography

ResearchGate homepage

The training of a mathematician always requires a personal mentor: a Ph.D. advisor who passes down the art and craft of the subject one-on-one. It's a time- and effort-intensive labor of love. My advisor was Frederick J. Almgren, Jr.  Fred's advisor was Herbert Federer,...and so on. The (fabulous) Mathematical Geneaology website shows that my lineage (like so many of colleagues') traces all the way back to the great Leonhard Euler, as shown below. And...I myself have trained two mathematicians: Oscar Perdomo and M. Alper Gur.





M. Chasles

H.A. Newton

E.H. Moore

G.D. Birkhoff

C.R. Adams

A.P. Morse

H. Federer

F.J. Almgren, Jr.


My students:

Oscar Perdomo and M. Alper Gur